Nursing, Blood samples, Pediatric blood tests, Hyperglycemia tests, Samples
The Nurse’s profession encompasses both an independent and collaborative function. She works in hospitals, at home, in PMS centers, in crèches, senior homes and various other institutions where medical help is required.
She works in close collaboration with practitioners, providing the necessary care for the prompt recovery and maintenance of their patients’ well-being.
The nurse will practice various nursing procedures as well as supervised medical procedures . Relational and organisational qualities as well as good scientific knowledge, technical ability and precision are essential. The Nurse plays a fundamental role in the psychological comfort of the patient, which is why it is necessary to love human contacts and to have a capacity of analysis and empathy allowing a global approach of the patient.

Under medical supervision, the nurse performs blood tests and hyperglycemia tests. Through her human experience, she is able to provide the necessary reassurance during sampling.
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