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Prenez rendez-vous pour l'épilation Laser Soprano®Notre équipe est à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions ou pour toute prise de rendez-vous au tel: +32 2 654 22 55
About the Laser
Definitive laser hair removal is distinguished from other techniques (pulsed light, needle electrolysis) by its precision and high efficiency. The hair follicles are selectively destroyed by the selected wavelength.
The light that is emitted passes through the skin and reaches the “bulb” of the hair which contains black pigments that absorb the light of the Laser and warm up and cause the “bulb” of the hair to coagulate.
The SOPRANO Platinum Laser emits light in three specific wavelengths, each targetting a specific area of the hair follicle. This greatly improves the efficiency of the hair removal treatment.
SOPRANO Platinum® Laser hair removal
The Heal Clinic offers its patients the ultimate in laser hair removal. ALMA Lasers’ Soprano Platinum® Laser is a device that combines 3 wavelengths to treat all skin colours and different types of hair, making sure to stay within a pain tolerance threshold acceptable to the patient.
The hair removal laser uses the best technology available to us to permanently reduce the unwanted hair in the body in the best conditions of safety.
Its unique characteristics combined with the SHR energy delivery technique make it possible to offer this treatment ALL year safely, unlike most hair removal systems! Having tanned or black skin is no longer a problem!
What is the life cycle of a hair follicle?
The follicles in which the hair grows have a cycle in 3 phases that resemble the seasons of nature.
The anagen phase (spring-summer) is that during which the hair grows, colors and holds.
During the catagen phase (autumn), the hair detaches itself from its follicle and ends up falling.
During the telogen phase (winter), the follicle is empty and dormant.
Moreover, the duration of the cycle is variable depending on the region of the body.
Unlike trees in nature, the hairs are not all in the same phase of the cycle at any given time. Only hairs in the anagen phase are sensitive to Laser. After a first treatment session It will be necessary to wait until a new group of bristles is in its active phase to repeat the treatment. Several sessions are also required to obtain a satisfactory and definitive result.
Finally, with time, or under certain circumstances (hormonal imballance, certain medications), a duvet hair follicle (the tiny almost invisible superficial clear skin hairs) can develop into a pigmented strong hair follicle. For this reason, any abnormal hair growth (facial hair in women for example) should imply a preliminary medical and hormonal workup before envisioning Laser hair removal.
What is the average time necessary for a treatment?
To remove all the hair follicles of a region, it is therefore necessary to repeat the treatment several times. After 4 to 8 sessions (usually 6), spaced by +/- 1 month, you will definitively get rid of the majority of the unwanted hair. Some areas (like the armpits) can require touch-up sessions due to the high density and thickness of the follicles in this region.
Can all hairs be removed with Laser?
Black hairs are the most sensitive to laser treatment. Red hairs may respond while white hairs do not respond to treatment.
A test can be performed before starting a treatment to ensure proper efficiency.
Prices are per session and subject to change without notice. Please contact our secretary for updated pricing.
Upper Lip, Chin, Favorites, Eyebrow, Cheeks
- It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result.
Full Face, Underarms, Classic Bikini
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Full Bikini, Forearm or upper arm
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Full Arms
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Legs (below the knee)
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Full Legs
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Prices are per session and subject to change without notice. Please contact our secretary for updated pricing.
Belly, Lower Back
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Upper torso, Upper back
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Legs (below the knee)
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Neck, lower beard, Armpits, Shoulders
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result
Full anterior trunk, Complete posterior trunk
It takes 6 to 8 sessions to get a final result