Traitements laser

Medical Lasers

Treatment under medical supervision

The laser is a light that contains energy targeted to a material or color. It causes an increase in its temperature.

The color of this light (wavelength) determines its effectiveness on its target.
The target can be the water contained in the cells (skin and mucous membrane treatment) or pigments such as melanin (black), hemoglobin (red) or the different colors of tattoos

The laser makes it possible to reach its target without touching the neighboring structures, which gives it a precision unmatched by the other processing means.

Soprano Laser ice platinum, épilation laser définitive

Definitive Hair Removal by Laser Soprano®

The ultimate Soprano Platinium laser hair removal is the only platform that combines the unique trio-cluster diode® technology, a refrigerant sapphire and in-motion® application. It provides unmatched effectiveness and increased comfort, on all skin types (including black or tanned skin!), 365 days a year.

laser femilift

Intimate Laser Rejuvenation femilift®

The Laser Pixel-CO2® is a high precision surgical laser used in our clinic for dermatological treatments (fractional cutaneous laser) and gynecological (Femilift®). The Femilift Laser is used for many medical applications of intimate rejuvenation in order to treat vaginal relaxation, vaginal atrophy and dryness disorders, stress urinary incontinence.